Sunday, April 17, 2016

People Will Talk

I cried buckets of tears today on a tough and emotional ride. If you know me at all, you would know I do NOT like roller coasters. But, life isn't an easy ride for most of us. We go through periods of sadness, confusion, loss, pain, anger, and guilt, to name a few.

If I could wave a wand and make everyone joyful and content I would!! But in a world of sin where we are not perfect and this magical wand doesn't exist...we face many trials. Daily.
Every day we have decisions to make.
Because of this, it is of utmost important to start our day with God and end our day with Him.
If we can, and I know we can, it is wise to pray throughout the whole day, before any decision, and to search our hearts before speaking.

Sometimes we don't realize or we forget that every day is a spiritual BATTLE and the closer we get to God's will, the more the enemy gets mad and strikes harder.

Kindness and humility towards those that hurt us (unknowingly at times) go a long way, especially towards those that don't seem to deserve it.

Today, in the midst of my heartache and feeling alone when I felt my husband should have been more attentive to me, I found myself wondering, "What is the point of marriage if my spouse sees my brokenness and turns away?"

A very important thing to remember in marriage is that our spouse isn't our Savior. No one can take God's place. Yeshua paid the heavy price; the ultimate sacrifice of love. Our spouse could never do for us what God does for us even if they wanted to!!

In my own sadness and confusion, I did not realize that my husband was hurting as well, for very different reasons. The moment he dealt with his own heart issues, he was able to show love, patience, kindness, understanding, and encourage me in a strong and collected manner.  He took his time to do the right thing the right way.

After a lengthy conversation, he read me an Irish poem he had written in his journal a while back and then prayed with me.

I want to share the poem he read by Mary E. Harris, who was born in Kentucky in 1839. It is said that she wrote this poem in 1866, age the age of 27. 

"People Will Talk"

You may get through the world, but ’twill be very slow,
If you listen to all that is said as you go;
You’ll be worried and freeted and kept in a stew,
For meddlesome tongues will have something to do;

For People Will Talk.
If quiet and modest, you’ll have it presumed
That your humble position is only assumed;
You’re a wolf in sheep’s clothings, or else you’re a fool,
But don’t get excited, keep perfectly cool;

For People Will Talk.
If generous and noble, they’ll vent out their spleen.
You’ll hear some loud hints that you’re selfish and mean.
If upright and honest and fair as the day,
They’ll call you a rogue in a sly, sneaking way!

For People Will Talk.
And then if you show any boldness of heart,
Or a slight inclination to take your own part,
They will call you an upstart, conceitied, and vain;
But keep straight ahead, don’t stop and explain;

For People Will Talk.
If threadbare your dress, or old-fashioned your hat,
Some one will surely take notice of that,
And hint rather strong that you can’t pay your way;
But don’t get excited whatever they say,

For People Will Talk.
If you dress in the fashion, don’t think to escape,
For they criticize then if a different shape;
You’re ahead of your means, or your tailor’s unpaid
But mind your own business, don’t mind what is said;

For People Will Talk.
Now, the best way to do is to do as your please,
For your mind, if you have one, will then be at ease.
Of course you will meet with all sorts of abuse,
But don’t think to stop it, it is of no use,

For People Will Talk.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Hello and welcome!!

In this blog site you will find encouragement for the Christian life, DIY projects, and my work which  you may custom order. I hope it blesses your life!

Just use the links with the drop down menus to find what you are looking for or to browse around.
Feel free to contact me; I'd love to hear from you!

Here is a bit about me....

...My name is Noemi Sadler. I was born in the tiny town of Liberal, KS. There is much history for me there, both good and sad! Such is life. ;)

We currently reside in Colorado!

I am married to this crazy awesome man, Jeff Sadler.
He is a singer/songwriter/composer/worship leader and more!

You can find out more about our music here:
Building On Stone
~~Stay tuned for more as recording tends to fall lower on the priority list than we would like!~~

He also has some great blogs that you can find and recommend via these links:
     On the Rise
     {Great biblical information and personal lessons learned in life.}
     A City Unforsaken
     {A collection of biblical research and how it relates to us now.}
     Fluid Transit
     {Very helpful information if you use or plan to use light rail transportation and specifically in Denver, CO}
     Ballistic Linguistics
     {For the word nerds out there!}
     The Man's Soul: Taking it Back
     {A blog geared for men.}

Jeff and I are blessed to be raising and homeschooling four unique and incredible little people!
You will surely get to know more about them through my posts. ^_^

You are also welcome to follow my crafting FB page here:
Heart Echoes by Mimi

Come join us in this adventure as we hope to be able to relate to those around us and shower them with God's love and promises!

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21

Our life here on Earth is only temporary...we have much to look forward to!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

More than Rubies

My heart aches, lost in the hustle and bustle of the day,
Surrounded by mundane tasks and I can't seem to get away.

Hidden gems are wanting and waiting to be found,
But their lack of self-worth doesn't fail to astound.

We have made them  believe they are this way, beauty wasted away.

Lord, I confess that I sometimes forget I have purpose
And even though I am a mess,
You choose to refine me.

Every day is a battle, the enemy is
watching and ready,
But on my faithful Savior I hold my gaze steady.

Worth far more than rubies,
We are living stones.
Use us to build Your kingdom.