Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Peace Amongst the Day

This morning as I was having my quiet time with God, I spent almost half of it simply talking to Him. I had PLENTY to pour out to Him. Although I know what my basic priorities are; they had recently been getting a little jumbled up. They are:
*  God
  • My Husband
  • My Children
  • Our Home                
Some days, I haven’t had any time for God. I’ve been way too busy. My time with God those days consisted of praying for our meals, and this is usually done by the kids. “Father God, thank you for my mommy, my baby sister, and me. We are so beautiful. And thank you for my brother and my dad because they are so handsome. Thank you for the water...because it’s so good...and the birds, they are so beautiful...and the rain that you made...and the fruit...” “Eva...the food...” “Oh yeah, and bless the food. AAAAA-MEN!!!” (Picture a big cheesy smile from our 3 year old.)
Other days I have needed to homeschool a lot, cook and clean, and therefore have had no time for my husband and his needs...he’s a big boy, right? Other times, I have found myself asking the kids to just go play please, Mommy is busy. Ugh. I am NOT proud of myself! And what does this all add up to? Stress. A stressed mama isn’t a happy mama. And everyone knows...If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!!”

The wonderful thing about any human though, is that we can always improve ourselves. We can always work hard and diligently to become better at pretty much anything we set our minds to. When you plan out your day putting God first and being realistic (and DO allow for things to be switched around if needed!) it brings peace to your home. You find that there IS enough time in the day. If you have any debilitating/chronic illness that somedays makes it hard to crawl out of bed, (if you are blessed enough to get to stay at home or work from home) you can allow yourself the rest your body needs. I have a PJ day with the kids and do the best I can that day! You find that there IS enough time to homeschool, to study, to clean, to cook, to organize, to budget, run errands, and many, many of those important things, AND then still have intimate time with your husband at night!! (The best way to end a long day!) 
We have to love and accept ourselves the way God made us, acknowledge and embrace the kind of heart he gave us, and do our very best with what He has blessed us and entrusted us with. 

And let’s get a few questions out of the way: Am I saying it is easy? (Hahahaha!) That I have a simple solution to being that mother who has it all together? (She doesn’t exist.)Do I think I am any better or that my family is put together better than someone else’s? Most certainly not, I’m sorry but, no, and NEVER!!

After my long prayer and venting to God, who by the way is the BEST listener, He allowed me to “stumble upon” an amazing Psalm that provided more encouragement for me today than I could have ever imagined I would have God is ALWAYS on time.

Most of us do not say the most encouraging words when we are angry. A stressed mama can get angry very easily sometimes. Mostly it is because we are angry with ourselves, no one else.

Psalm 34 starts like this:

“I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.” (v. 1)

How then can there be room for malice and angry words?

“I sought the Lord, and He answered me, he delivered me from ALL my fears.” (v. 4)

Nothing good comes from fear. It is negative and the root of many evil things said and done.

“Those who look to him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.” (v. 5)

I don’t know about you but I want to be radiant!

“This poor man called,” (in this case it is David) “...and the Lord heard him, he saved him out of all of his troubles.” (v. 6)

If you call on God, He will hear you; therefore, do not worry. Worry is a waste of time. Worry never helped accomplish or solve anything. You may feel like He isn’t answering or at least not giving you the answer you want when you want. Do not worry. He knows the big picture, you do not. You are wonderfully made, let the artist and creator keep working.

“...blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” (v. 8)
“Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing ” (v. 9 & 10)

Seek the Lord. Listen and seek peace. Are they not the same thing?

My marriage, my life, and my kids are in God’s hands. At times it feels as if I have nothing else to hang on to but God’s promises...but, what better thing to hang on to?
God created me with a strong desire to continually learn, so I offer all I am to Him. 

“Here I am God! Open my eyes, my mind, and my heart to things I never knew. Then help me turn around and teach my kids. Help me speak to and reach their hearts. Help me share with all those around me every good thing I know,” say I unto the Lord. 

“Come, my children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” (v. 11-14)  
“Lord, fill my heart with so much love, understanding, forgiveness, and peace that there is NO ROOM for anything evil, hurtful, and not of You,” I cry out to You Lord, knowing that...

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry.” (v. 15)

A simple prayer:

Guide us.
Teach us.
Heal us.
Let love abundant!

 -A Sadler Mom